Instructor's Martial Arts Timeline
Instructor: Michael Valenti
1995 - 2002:
Early Training
- Started Martial Arts training under Master Jack Harvey studying Kuk Sool Won in St. Louis MO
- Moved to Mississippi and continued Kuk Sool Won studies in local gym.
- Left local Kuk Sool Won School because the head instructor insulted the teachings of Master Jack Harvey.
- Began personal Studies in Kung Fu with a primary focus on animal styles.
- Introduced to Jeet Kune Do and abandoned the study of Kung Fu.
- Won first challenge match against a 3rd degree black belt in Kung Fu (2-1 Surrender)
- Begin casually teaching friends for free out of his Parents garage.
2002 - 2005:
The Fighting Years
- Started and fought in a local fight club that ran for the next 4 years.
- Begin personal studies in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
- Attended Self Defense Clinic at the Academy of Kung Fu
- Began personal studies of stick fighting with a heavy focus on Kali.
- Began personal studies of various weapons including Bo Staff, Kubotan and Cane.
- Won Challenge match against a local black belt in Tae Kwon Do (2-0 Tapout)
- Started Weapon sparring with local martial artist.
- Won Challenge match against local 3rd degree Black Belt in Hapkido. (2-1 Tap Out)
- Won weapons match: Bo Staff (Mr. Valenti) vs Bokken (1-0 Surrender)
- Won Weapons match: Hook Swords (Mr. Valenti) vs Bokken (1-0 KO)
2006 - 2009:
The Apprenticeship
- Won rematch with local Tae Kwon Do fighter (1-0 Tapout)
- Shutdown fight club to focus on education.
- Moved to Indiana for school.
- Began Studies of Kenpo and continued study of Jeet Kune Do with Master Jerry Smith
- Began Studying Brazilian Jiu Jitsu from Bob Mercuri
- Began learning Pekiti Tirsia Kali from Chris Wiggins
- Began Learning Boxing from Jamie Billings
- Attend a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Clinic taught by Chris Lytle
- Became an apprentice self defense instructor under Jerry Smith
- Mar. 24 – Certified as a Self Defense instructor.
- May 26 – Certified as an instructor of Jeet Kune Do Concepts
- Sep 26 – Received 1st Degree Black Belt in Kenpo
- Recognized for 1st Degree Black Belt in Kenpo by the United States Martial Arts Association.
- Jan. 1st – Recognized for developing a Jiu Jitsu based self defense program for ground fighting by Self Defense Systems Inc.
- Oct – Began teaching Self Defense class out of a local arcade.
- Dec 17 – Inducted the first 6 people into the School of Self Defense.
2010 - 2012:
The Birth of Combative Defense System
The School of Self Defense.
- Hosted a Self Defense clinic taught by Jim Hinderson
- April 1 - Moved the School of Self Defense location to Brownsburg Indianapolis
- May. 1 – Recognized as 2nd degree black belt in Kenpo by the United States Martial Arts Association.
- Jun. 20 – Trained one on one with 10th Degree Black Belt in Judo: Phil Porter
- June 20 – Hosted and Attended Judo clinic taught by 10th Degree Black Belt in Judo: Phil Porter.
- Oct 13 – Moved the School of Self Defense location to Avon Indianapolis to save money.
- December -Began Personal Studies in Wing Chun Kung Fu
- March 16 -Recognized for his proficiency at Sil Lim Tao level Wing Chun by the International Wing Chun Martial Arts Association.
- Moved the School of Self Defense to Plainfield Indiana
- June 2 – Recognized for his proficiency at Chum Kiu level Wing Chun by the International Wing Chun Martial Arts Association.
- December 15 – recognized for his proficiency at the first half of the Mok Yan Jong by the International Wing Chun Martial Arts Association.
- April - Organized the curriculum of the School of Self Defense into the Progressive Self Defense Method.
- May – Belted the first 4 Students of the Progressive Self Defense Method
- May 24 - Recognized for his proficiency at the Second half of the Mok Yan Jong by the International Wing Chun Martial Arts Association
- June - Began teaching Kali based stick and Knife Fighting.
- September 14- Revised the school curriculum to eliminate unpractical Takedowns that were too body specific.
- Nov. 26 - Recognized for his proficiency at the Lok Dim Boon Gwan (10-foot pole) by the International Wing Chun Martial Arts Association
2013 - 2019:
The Inosanto Years
- Jan. 25, 2012 - Open classes at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Indianapolis.
- February 14 - Promoted to Black Sash level in Wing Chun by the international Wing Chun Martial Arts Association
- February - Attend first seminar with Dan Inosanto with a focus on Jeet Kune Do, Silat, and Kali
- May 1 – Recognized as 3nd degree black belt in Kenpo by the United States Martial Arts Association.
- June 1 - Promoted to Red Sash level in Wing Chun by the International Wing Chun Martial Arts Association.
- July 13-14 - Trained for two days with Guru Dan Inosanto with a focus on Jeet Kune Do and Kali.
- August 1-3 Attended the United State Martial Arts Association Training camp covering Aikido, Jiu Jitsu, Karate, Taekwondo, Judo and Escrima
- Trained for two days with Richard Bustillo in Escrima, Jeet Kune Do, and Muay Thai
- April 12-13 - Trained for two days with Guru Dan Inosanto with a focus on Jeet Kune Do, Kali, and Silat
- June 14-15 - Trained with Guru Dan Inosanto focusing on Jeet Kune Do, Kali, and Silat for two days.
- July 12-13 - Trained with Guru Dan Inosanto focusing on Jeet Kune Do, Kali, and Silat for two days.
- July 22 - The School of Self Defense is featured on WTHR Channel 13 News in a report on the importance of self defense.
- Oct. 4-5 - Featured a booth and taught self defense at the Indianapolis Sports and Fitness Show
- Oct. 5 - The School of Self Defense was featured in a photo on the IndyStar web page.
- April 12-13 - Trained for two days with Guru Dan Inosanto with a focus on Jeet Kune Do, Kali, and Silat
- June 20-21 - Trained with Guru Dan Inosanto focusing on Jeet Kune Do, Kali, and Silat for two days.
- Oct. 4-5 - Featured a booth and taught self defense at the Indianapolis Sports and Fitness Show
- Nov. - Moved School of Self Defense to Carmel IN.
- March 1 - Recognized as a 4th degree black belt in Kenpo by the United States Martial Arts Association.
- June 11-12 - Trained with Guru Dan Inosanto focusing on Jeet Kune Do, Kali, and Silat for two days.
- July 9-10 - Trained with Guru Dan Inosanto focusing on Jeet Kune Do, Kali, and Silat for two days.
- Nov - features a booth at the Greater Indianapolis Survival Expo
- Feb. 27 - Michael and Amanda were interviewed on Inside Indy on Channel 40.
- Renamed the Progressive Self Defense Method to C.D.S.: Combative Defense System
- Featured on Fox 59 news for a short segment on self defense.
- June 16 - taught at the Indianapolis Museum of Art
- June 18 - attended a seminar with Dan Inosanto where he taught Silat and Bo Staff.
- July 1st - attended a seminar with Dan Inosanto with a focus on JKD, Cambodian Kickboxing, Kali, and Silat
- October 8th - Awarded 1st ever black belt in CDS to Amanda Valenti.
- April 7-8 - Trained with Guru Dan Inosanto focusing on Jeet Kune Do, Kali, and Silat for two days.
- April 18 - Won Challenge Match with 2nd Degree Black Belt in Shorin Ryu Karate
- April 19 - Received First Degree Black Belt in Judo
- April 21 - Trained with Royce Gracie focusing on Bridging the Gap and Triangle Choke Set ups.
- Attended a 2-day Wing Chun Instructor’s only seminar hosted by Sifu Sam Chan
- Trained with Bill Wallace focusing on his 3 Kick Strategy
- Attended a 2-day Wing Chun Instructor’s only seminar hosted by Sifu Sam Chan
- July 14th - Received 2nd Level Wing Chun Instructor certification from Sifu Sam Chan
- Sep. 14th - Trained with Guru Dan Inosanto focusing on Jeet Kune Do, and Kali
2020 - Present:
Current Time Period
- January 16th - Featured on RTV6 News teaching basic Self Defense
- February 11 - Graduated from the Gracie University of Jiu Jitsu's Combatives program.
- March 25 - Choreographed the independent short film Wing Chun
- April 19th - Received 2nd Degree Black Belt in Judo from The United States Martial Arts Association.
- May 29 - Choreographed and performed the fights for the music video Firefall by The Wise Man's Fear.
- June 5th - Received 3rd Level Wing Chun Instructor certification from Sifu Sam Chan
- November - Won 1st place in the Mu Lan 2020 International Challenge. 1st place in the Advanced Adult Traditional Kung Fu Hand Form Division for his Bonk Bo Praying Mantis Form.
- February 26: Recognized as a 5th Degree Black Belt in Kenpo by the IKKA.
- March 12: Awarded his 1st Black Sash in Wing Chun to Wesley Stevens.
- June: Ranked to Senior Instructor in Wing Chun by the International Wing Chun Martial Arts Association
- July 10: Trained with Daniel Pesina in Rope Dart
- Oct. 16 The School of Self Defense takes home 3 Gold Medals, 1 Silver, and 2 Bronze at the 9th Annual Martial Arts Warriors Championships.
- Oct. 16 Trained Rope Dart with Daniel Pesina
- Feb 12: Attended a 2-hour BJJ seminar with Weiss Sakhizada
- June 29: Raked to Blue Belt in BJJ by Jarod Loper.
- July 16: Won 2 Gold Medals at the 2nd Annual Battle of the Midwest. One for Japanese Sword Set from Kenpo, one for Hook Sword from Tai Chi Mantis. Plus, his students took home 2 additional Gold Medals. One for BJJ, the other for Bak Jom Do.
- January 1: Reorganized and rebranded CDS into Kenpo 360 and launched
- March 12: Won Gold at IOMAC 17 for his Bonk Bo Praying Mantis.
- Students took home 1 Gold Medal, and 2 Silver Medals.
- July 1st Moved the School to the Noblesville Athletic Club
- July 28 - 29 Trained with Master Daniel Pesina in Ma Family Tongbei Chou Jiao
- Sep. 11 Ranked Purple Belt in BJJ by Jared Loper