Kenpo Blue Belt
Sucker Punch or Cross
Trapping Blades (A,B)
- Step your right foot back as you execute a left parry that transitions into an underook on their punching arm. As you transition to the underhook, simultaneously execute an angle 13 shop to their right clavicle. Champions Grip your hands together in order to lock your opponent's arm. Then drive a right knee to the groin. Then hinge step back to a bar slide take down.
- Same as A but replace the Angle 13 Chop with a Kenpo Elbow
Round Block lll (A,B) (Straight Punch)
- Step your right foot back to 6:00 as you execute a Left Cut Block over their arm striking the eyes. Then step slide forward as you do a Left Kali Scoop into a right UpperCut Elbow. Grab and Knee
- Step your right foot back to 6:00 as you execute a Left Inside Cut Block. Step side up as you grab their shoulder with your left hand and do an Uppercut Elbow with your right. Then right Kali Scoop their punching arm to move you to the outside of their guard. Break the arm by grabbing their wrist with your right hand, and doing an uppercut elbow with your left. Then Left Pac Sao with a Right Kenpo Elbow. Grab and Knee
Flashing Daggers (for a punch or two hand push)
Step your Right Foot Back to 6:00 as you do a double outward block. Then Execute the following ABC: Right Low Vertical Fist, Left Shooto to their Throat, Right eye Jab, Left Bottom Fist, Right Sandwich Elbow
Crouching Falcon
- Step your Right foot back to 6:00 as you do a double inside cut block. Left Lop Sao on the inside of their right arm as you step your right foot forward to 12:00 and hit with a right uppercut elbow followed by a right doward claw.
Stretching The Bow
- Step you right foot back to 6:00 as to block the punch with a Left Lop Sao to the inside of their right (punching) arm. Then use a Right Stap kick to the groin to step your right foot into the lead position at 12:00 and strike their throat with a wedge hand while maintaining the lop sao.
- Step Slide your left foot back to 6:00 as you do a right inward block to the inside of their right punching arm, Use a right snap kick to bridge the gap to 12:00. Then execute a right eye jab followed by a double Angle 1 Chop (hitting on both carotid arteries.) Then double Thumb Gouge the eyes.
Arching Blades (A,B)
- Step Slide your left foot back to 6:00 as you do a right inward block to the inside of their right punching arm, Use a right snap kick to bridge the gap to 12:00. Then Execute the following ABC: Right Shooto, Left Angle 1 Chop, Right Uppercut Elbow, Right Downward Claw.
- Same as A but add the following after the claw. Use your right hand to grab their right shoulder and then execute a switch step right knee, Then execute a Left Kenpo Elbow
Five Swords (A,B)
- Step your left foot back to 6:00 as you do a right inward block to the inside of their right punch. Then step slide forward and execute the following ABC: Right Shoot, Left eye jab, Right Shovel Punch, Left Shooto, Right Lead Kenpo Elbow (insuring to turn the hips for power)
- Step your left foot back to 6:00 as you do a right Inside Sector (Right Inward block, left eye jab) to the inside of their right punch. Then step slide forward and execute the following ABC: Right Shooto, Left Palm Stike, Right shovel punch, step slide forward again for a Right Lead Kenpo Elbow (insuring to turn the hips for power)
Circling Serpent (A,B,)
- Step your Right foot back to 6:00 as you execute a left parry into a right lop sao (like a round block). Keep hold of the lop sao and Use a Right Hook Kick to the body to step your right leg to 10:00 (stepping outside of their right leg). Then step your left foot to 12:00 and thurn to face your opponent’s back (as in you should be behind your opponent). Grab them with both hands by their face and pull them into a right knee to the back.
- Step your Right foot back to 6:00 as you execute a left parry into a right lop sao (like a round block). Keep hold of the lop soa and grab their right shoulder with your left hand. Then execute a switch step left knee followed by a right kenpo elbow.
Two Hand Push
Bridging The Gap
- Step back with your right foot as you do a double Huen Sao to clear their arms as they push you, Butterfly Strike their diaphragm, Double Angle 1 Chops to the throat (like clapping but the blade of your hands torch,) Double Thumb Gouge the eyes.
Flashing Daggers (Same as Punch)
- Step your Right Foot Back to 6:00 as you do a double outward block. Then Execute the following ABC: Right Low Vertical Fist, Left Shooto to their Throat, Right eye Jab, Left Bottom Fist, Right Sandwich Elbow
Crouching Falcon (Same as Punch)
- Step your Right foot back to 6:00 as you do a double inside cut block. Left Lop Sao on the inside of their right arm as you step your right foot forward to 12:00 and hit with a right uppercut elbow followed by a right doward claw.
Darting Serpent (A,B)
- Step Back with your right foot as you do a double outward block, Step-Slide forward to 12:00 as you do a double Vertical ridge hand to the groin. NOTE: your outward blocks should flow into your low ridge hands in a pinwheeling motion. Double Testical crush, then pull and flow into a double Silate Hook (a hook where your back hand faces you) to their left and right temples. NOTE: Just like the previous note, the pull flows directly into the Silate Hooks in a pinwheeling motion. Thai Clench and Right Knee.
- Step Back with your right foot as you do a double outward block, Then do the following ABC: Double outward eye rake, Double Eye Gouge, Head Butt, Right Sandwich Elbow, Left (lead) Sandwich Elbow (make sure to turn your hip.) Right Testical Crush and Pull into a Lead Back Fist.
Single Same Side Wrist Grab
Bending the limb
- Opponent Grabs your Right Wrist. Bring your right hand towards your left shoulder (this is not a break away). Then reach your left hand under your right arm palm down and grab the top of your opponent's left wrist. Then do a left Lop Sao with a right Yes Elbow to the ribs as you step slide forward in a southpaw stance. Then execute a left eye jab.
Double Wrist Grab
Crossing the Lock
- Circle your left hand under your opponent’s right hand. Continue this clockwise motion to draw a large circle in the air ending with a clearing chop that slides down your right arm and hits your opponent’s left thumb. At the same time it hits pull your right arm back to chamber. Then execute a left backfist followed by a right palm strike.
Full Nelson
Spreading the Leaves
- Start with a right foot stomp. Then step your left foot to 12:00 as you simultaneously shoot your left arm forward like a palm strike to clear the hold. Then execute a left reversing elbow followed by a right reversing elbow.
Rear Interlocking Arms
Silk Wind
- Left Testical Crush, Right Foot Stomp as you pull your left elbow up like a reversinge elbow. This should pull your left arm out of the hold. Repeat the process on the other side to free the right arm. Then do the process one more time to the left. Step your right foot in front of your left leg towards 9:00, then hinge step your left foot counterclockwise to put you behind your opponent's trapped arm. As you turn you should be hooking their left arm with yours in a Doh-see-doh style.. Then Uppercut Arm Break (arm wrench) with your right arm.
RearHammer Lock
Silent Escape (A,B)
With your right arm held, Step your left foot in front of your right towards 2:30 while lifting your right elbow up in a reversing elbow motion. As you rotate clockwise to face your opponent capture their arm with your right hand like a lop sao. Then end the technique with a left eye jab, and a left elbow break- You attempted version A but they prevent you from turning. Step your right foot out to horse stance. Then execute a right Yes Elbow, Right bottom fist, then a right reversing elbow. Them proceed to version A.
Rear Finger choke/Grab/Sucker Punch
Chinese L Choke
- Step your right leg in front of your left towards 10:00. Rotate counterclockwise with a left outward block. Turn the outward block into a lop sao with a right eye jab. Then use your right upwards elbow to break their arm. Then a Police Arm Bar to bend them over. End with a right Yes Elbow, Upwards Claw, then Downwards Elbow.
Side Punch
- Step your right foot to 2:00 as you turn clockwise to face 3:00. Simultaneously defend the punch with a round block. Step your left foot forward to face your centerline at the opponents as you execute a right eye rake and a left palm heel to their kidney at the same time. This will be moving one hand from 3 to 9 as the other moves from 9 to 3. Then end the technique with a right backfist, right side kick to the knee in order to pin their knee to the ground, then right elbow.
Chinese L Choke (same as choke)
- Step your right leg in front of your left towards 10:00. Rotate counterclockwise with a left outward block. Turn the outward block into a lop sao with a right eye jab. Then use your right upwards elbow to break their arm. Then a Police Arm Bar to bend them over. End with a right Yes Elbow, Upwards Claw, then Downwards Elbow..
Double Lapel or Front 2-Hand Choke
2-Headed Serpent
- Step your left foot back to 6:00 then in a rocking chair motion transfer your weight on to your right leg. As you rock forward hit with a left eye jab and a right shovel punch at the same time. Then step your right foot to 2:00 as you execute a roundblock that flows into a left eye jab. End with a right palm strike.
Covering Talon ll (A,B,C)
- Step back with the left foot, pinning their left hand with your left hand "llan sao" across both of their arms. Then execute a right upwards backfist to their elbow (vertical gunting style). Then a right doward clear to strip the arms off your lepel. End the technique with a Left eye jab.
- Same as “A” but replace the left eye jab with a right reversing elbow to 12:00
- Same as “A” but replace the left eye jab with a right outward eye rake 9 to 3) followed by a right palm heel hook
Crouching Falcon (Same as Punch)
- Step your Right foot back to 6:00 as you do a double inside cut block. Left Lop Sao on the inside of their right arm as you step your right foot forward to 12:00 and hit with a right uppercut elbow followed by a right doward claw.
Front 2-Hand Choke
- Use your Left hand to pin their right arm to yourself. Step your left foot out towards 9:00 like a horse stance, then execute a right vertical ridgehand to their groin.Step your right foot between the two of you towards 10:00 as you lift your right arm straight up to clear the grip using your tricep. End the technique with a right reversing elbow then a right sidekick to the knee.
Wall Pin (A,B)
- (You are pinned against a wall). Pin their right hand to your chest with your left hand. Use a right downwards block to clear their left hand off your lapel. Then execute the following ABC: Right bottom fist, Right upwards revering elbow, use your right hand to grab the right side of their neck (your left), right knee, then turn clockwise to slam them into the wall.
- (You are pinned against a wall). Pin their right hand to your chest with your left hand. Attempt a right downwards block to clear their left hand off your lapel but it does not clear. Quickly reverse the motion and circle your arm around (clockwise) to an upwards block to clear the grip from underneath. Continue this circular motion into a right vertical ridge hand to the groin. Then execute a right uppercut elbow, a right shooto to the neck, , use your right hand to grab the right side of their neck (your left), right knee, then turn clockwise to slam them into the wall.
Single Lapel Grab or Shoulder Grab
Advancing Phoenix (A,B) (Their left hand grabs your right lape)
- Left hand pins their left hand to your chest. Step your left foot back into a southpaw cat stance. Use a right inward block to break their left elbow. Then a Right Snap Kick to the groin. Then use a right 12 to 6 elbow on their broken arm to bring them closer to you (like a dumog arm drag but with your elbow). End the technique with a Right Uppercut Elbow followed by a right doward claw.
- Left hand pins their left hand to your chest. Step your left foot back. Execute a right back fist to their left bicep (gunting), followed by a left eye jab, Left snap kick landing your foot at 10:30, and ending the technique with a right sandwich elbow
Wraparounds (A,B,C,D)
- Left hand pin their left hand to your chest as you step back with your left foot, Circle your right arm around clockwise into an overhook on their left elbow. “Bar Song” your right arm to break their elbow
- Left hand pins their left hand to your chest as you step back with your left foot, use a right 12 to 6 elbow on their left arm to bring them closer to you (like a dumog arm drag but with your elbow). End the technique with a Right Uppercut Elbow followed by a right doward claw.
- Without any arm pin, Step back with your left foot and Use a right 12 to 6 elbow to clear their grip, then execute a right palm strike.
- Without any arm pin, Step back with your left foot and execute a right hammer fist to clear the grip followed by a right eye flick.
Broken Staff (Opponent at your right side grabbing with their left hand)
- Left and pin their left hand to your chest. Then execute a right eye flick. Then Circle your right arm around clockwise into an overhook on their left elbow. “Bar Song” your right arm to break their elbow. Then cicle your right arm counterclockwise into the following ABC: Right Silat Hook, Right Back Fist, Left Palm Stike
Front and Rear Rope Choke
Front and Rear Garrote Choke (A,B)
A: Front.
They twist a rope around your neck and stand in front of you. The rope is crossed in front of your Adam's apple so the bad guy has to pull outward to choke you. Grab their shoulders like you are trying to shake them awake to prevent them from pulling outward, then transition to grabbing their head like a Thai Clench. Then Thumb Gouge
B: Rear. They are behind you and have wrapped the rope around your neck, crossing the rope in the back so the bad guy has to pull outward to choke you. Use Dancer’s Footwork to turn towards the assailant. (sometime this will free your head) assuming your head is still caught, proceed as seen vs the front choke.
Overhead Club Attack
Spinning from the Sun (A,B) Kali – Stop block and grab)
Step left foot forward as you execute a X block at the wrist of the opponent. Grab their wrist with your left hand, and their club with your right. Rotate counterclockwise, stepping with your right foot through the Magic Doorway as you send the club into their knee. Following this motion to turn and face them, this should twist their arm. Strip the club from their hand and do an angle 2 strike to their elbow, then an angle 3 strike to their face.
Step left foot forward as you execute a X block at the wrist of the opponent. Grab their wrist with your right hand, push their arm clockwise to set up for and execute a Kali Ejecting Disarm, retaining the club
=====================================Here Ends the 2021 Updates======================================
Kick while on the Ground (On one Knee)
Circle of China (A,B,C)
(VS snap kick) Cross block kick, RT hammer fist, RT backfist- (VS Hook kick to your left) RT inward block, LT downward palm block (simultaneously), RT hammer fist, RT backfist.
- (Vs Hook Kick to your left)LT shield, RT hammer fist, RT backfist.
Kick Defense and Attack
Returning Viper (A,B)
Step back W/RT, LT shield (close to body) to block kick, RT round house kick to leg
while pushing off, RT kick again, step down RT angle, LT elbow.
Step back W/LT, switch step RT round house kick pushing off, RT again, LT elbow.
Attempted Front Trust Kick
The Serpent (A,B)
Step back W/LT, RT scoop block, LT hook kick to thigh, RT elbow.
Step back W/LT, RT scoop block, RT skip sidekick to knee, RT elbow.
Hostile Standoff (Left Lead)
Driver (Natural Stance)
Sucker punch coming in (shield), drive elbow in to solar plexus, LT grab neck, RT elbow, RT grabs neck, RT knee.
Pointer (Natural Stance)
Step back W/RT, LT pointed elbow (shield), put elbow in place of face, oppt. hits elbow, LT eye jab, fist blast, elbow and knee.