Belt 2 - Green Belt

Green Belt - Belt 2

Sucker Punch Defenses

Crashing Elbows

Step back with right foot while executing left elbow destruction block, left kali step forward with right elbow to face, left uppercut, right ridge hand. 

Jab, Cross Defense

Circling the Sun A, B, C

You are in the Hostel Standoff stance, your opponent throws an orthodox Jab, Cross. You will parry the jab and then . . .

  • A. Split Sector
  • Kali Step left + Left Parry + Right eye jab under both you and your opponent's arms.
  • B. Outside Sector
  • Kali Step left + Left Parry + Right eye jab over both you and your opponent's arms.
  • C. Body Sector
  • Kali Step left + Left Parry + Right Cross to the body under both you and your opponent's arms.

Every variation ends with a left vertical fist to the face (like a cut block) and then a right ridge hand.

Vs Rear Chokes 

Crash of the Eagle 

Vs Rear Finger Choke:

Step forward with left foot, right circling elbow to clear hold (keep left hand up, right upward elbow, right downward claw

Dancer A, B, C

A. Vs Rear Finger Choke:

Step right foot out to 2:00, cross left foot back to 4:00, ducking under their arms as you unwind counterclockwise to face them. As you unwind, execute a left Bottom Fist followed by a right vertical ridge hand to the groin. (keep your right hand in guard as you ridge hand). Then step your right foot to 5:00, turn counterclockwise in order to spin into a Left shuto to their Throat.

B. Vs Rear Forearm Choke:

hands reach up to pluck the choking arm down while tucking your chin away from their elbow. Assuming their elbow is on your right side (you would mirror this technique if it is on the left) Step right foot out to 2:00, cross left foot back to 4:00, ducking under their arms as you unwind counterclockwise to face them and slipping your head out of their hold. Be sure to turn your head towards their ribs as you slip out to avoid a Top Choke. Stand up to face them in southpaw stance, Right shuto, Left Palm Strike

C.Vs Rear Escort Position:

Assuming their left hand is on your left elbow, and their right hand is on the back of your neck. (if the grip is opposite just mirroring the technique) Step right foot out to 2:00, cross left foot back to 4:00, ducking under their arms as you unwind counterclockwise to face them. With their forward pressure from trying to escort you, this should result in a lot of space being made between the two of you. So just run away at this point.

Headlock A, B, C, D

A. Vs Headlock

Reach right hand across to control their left hand to prevent the punch. Make sure you look towards the ribs. Left hammer fist to kidney as you look up to possibly break the grip. Left hand grab eye sockets (or under the nose) pulling head back Right palm strike to face

B. Vs Headlock

Assuming your opponent is on your left side, holding your head with his right arm. Make sure you look towards the ribs. You Right hand will hook the inside of their left wrist and pin it to their body. Your left hand will reach around their back, then between their left arm and left ribs in order to hook the inside of their left wrist and pin it to their body. (For larger opponents you may have to reach around their left arm and hug the tricep). Valley drops to Top Mount. Thumb Gouge the eye if they do not release your head. This Variation is especially good vs a headlock and punch or someone trying to throw you to the ground via the headlock.

C.Vs Guillotine Choke

Grab choking hand with left hand while looking towards their ribs. Right ridge hand to you step left foot forward and look up to break the grip. Re-grab choking hand with both hands. Step right foot to 11:00 (between you and the assailant) and then turn counterclockwise to face this torquing their arm. Left snap kick to opponent's face.

D.Vs Guillotine Choke

Grab choking hand with left palm up and right-hand palm down while looking towards their ribs. Step left foot forward and look up to break the grip. Right step forward to 12:00. Left hinge step counterclockwise. End in Hammer Lock (right hand on their wrist, left hand on their shoulder)

Double Lapel Grab or Front Choke

Kimono Grab 

Reach over their arms like Lan Sao and secure their left hand with your left hand, step back with left foot. Right Panther Strike to throat, right downward clear. Right eye flick, bottom fist to groin, pivot right side kick to knee.

Single Lapel Grab

Japanese Hands (Same side grab - left hand to right lapel)

Right hand same side pin, step back with right foot. Shoot left eye jab, pivot with right wrist Lock (possibly executing bong sao block)

Wrist Grabs

Breaking the Sword   

The assailant grabs your right wrist with their right hand.   Left foot Cross steps between the two of you to 3:00 as your left hand grabs the attacker's right wrist. Rotate the attacker’s right arm counter clockwise so that the elbow faces down, place the attacker’s elbow on top of your left shoulder. Pull down with both hands against the attacker’s wrist, breaking the elbow over your  left shoulder. Right arm will keep control of the attacker’s right arm while you deliver a left Reverse Elbow to the attacker’s face. 

Grasping Talon

Assuming a same side wrist grab (their left grabs right). Bring right hand up toward left shoulder (palm inward) and re-grab with left

Step up with right foot, shuto or backfist opponent

Front Push

Front Two Handed Push 

Step left foot back to neutral bow. Clear with right inward Block (like a hammer fist). Right eye flick, grab back of opponent’s head with right, left elbow.

Front Tackle

Tackle Technique A, B

A. Step Left foot to 9:00 and then hinge Right foot towards 7:00. As you do so, execute a left angle one chop to the base of the skull and a right claw to the eyes.

B. Step Left foot to 9:00 and then hinge Right foot towards 7:00. As you do so, execute a Rotary Throw. Keeping hold of the arm, Step over their head with the left foot and then their body with the right foot. Kneel on the left leg (sometimes this is a choke) and break their elbow with a kneeling arm bar.

Two Man Situation

Opponents at Sides - Try to get out from between opponents

Opponent A is at 3:00, and B is at 9:00. Step to the right out into horse stance and right shuto to opponent A’s throat (or eye flick), then

Rotate head and shoulders 180° face opponent B with left hand guarding your face and right palm strike to face. Step right foot out to 12:00, then Hinge step left foot to 10:00 in order to get out from the middle ground. As you hinge step, monitor opponent B's shoulder with your right hand.

Rear Hammer Lock

Passing the Horizon

(Right arm in hammer lock)

Turn counterclockwise, delivering left reverse elbow to face

Re-grab hand, 

Right step to 2:00

Left step to 2:00

Turn clockwise to face your opponent in a southpaw cat stance. At the same time  drive your right elbow high and keeping hold of their hand. This will twist their arm and bend them.

Right front snap kick

Front Bear Hug

Front Bear Hug A,B - Arms free

Grab hair and pull back, eye rake, panther fist throat strike

Grab head with one hand, eagles beak to pressure point under jaw

Knee Lift - Arms Pinned

Step left foot back to forward bow while your butterfly their hips,  Left Knee to the groin, zombie hands up to a double eye gouge. Thai Clench, Head Butt, Thai Clench snap down into a Guillotine Choke

Vs Right Overhead Club 


Take a left Kali step at 10:30pm and do a left brush block with the left hand to cover the face in case the kali step doesn’t take you out of harm's way and then do a right side kick to the assailant's knee.

Sparring Techniques

Stop Hit

Side Kick to the knee used as a Stop Hit, Down, Back Fist

Springtime Forever A, B

A. (Open Stance) Fencer Forward so your lead is on the outside of their lead + lead Pac Sao + rear Back Fist

B. (Closed Stance) Fencer Forward so your lead is on the inside of their lead + rear Pac Sao + lead Back Fist


Advancing Foot Sweep - Deashi harai (or barai)

Valley Drop  - Tani otoshi

Shoulder Throw - Seoi nage


4 Phases of Guard A, B

A. Vs Low Stricker

B. Vs Body Striker

C. Kneeling Striker

D. Standing Striker

Triangle Choke A, B

A. Phase 2 Finish

B. Giant Killer Variation

They are smashing you in your guard. Extend them away with your guard, both hands push their head. Feet transfer to their hips and push while you grab their arm. Pull them into Diamond Guard. Then follow Triangle Choke A from Diamond Guard.

Standing Up from Guard A, B

A. Lan Sao Variation

B. Snap Down Variation

Guillotine Variations A, B

A. Reverse Figure Four

B. Guard Pull Variation

Double Underhook Guard Pass

Sweeps From Guard A, B, C, D

A. Scissor Variation

B. Push Variation

C. Elevator Variation

D. Elevator vs Head hug Variation

Elbow Escape Vs Top Mount A, B, C, D

A. Standard Elbow Escape

B. Hook Removal

C. Fishhook

D. Heel Drag

Transitions from four Corner Side Mount A, B, C, D

A. Roll Prevention

  • Pushing Back with the toes or posting with the hand

B. Guard Prevention

  • Use Scarf hold step through to prevent the hip push, return to a Chest Hold Down (Mune Gatame)

C. Knee Slide to Top Mount

  • Be sure to use knees and elbows beforehand.

Jeet Kune Do Concepts

Bruce Lee’s 4 Part Mantra

“Research your own experience, absorb what is useful, discard what is useless, and make everything uniquely your own.” - Bruce Lee

4 ranges of Stand Fighting

  • Kicking, Punching, Trapping, Knee/Elbow
  • You need to know this for 2 reasons. 
  • To analyze your own abilities.
  • To ensure you use the right tools in the right range.

3 phases of combat

  • Stand, Clinch, Ground
  • You need to know this for 2 reasons. 
  • To analyze your own abilities.
  • To ensure you use the right tools in the right phase.

Position Before Submission

It is not always best to go straight for the Fight Finishers. Sometimes an attempt to finish the fight will sacrifice the control you have over your opponent. In these moments we have to weigh the likelihood of us getting the “Finish”. If we compromise or position and fail at the “Finish,” then we not only are still in the fight but have lost control over the situation. 


Elbow Hubud

Reverse Elbow Hubud

Angle 1 Hubud

Angle 2 Hubud

Optional Kata

Shield and Mace “Long 1”

Inward Blocks Punch

Outward Blocks Punch

Reverse Elbow

Upwards Blocks Punch

Downward Blocks Punch

Inward Blocks X6

Outward Blocks X6

Upward Blocks X6

Downward Blocks X6

Monkey Block: Left Right Left

Hammer Block : Right Left Right

Smother Block: Left Right Left

Right Left Punches: 12:00, 10 and 2, 9 and 3, uppercut.

Fighter Attributes

  • Randori should be heavily emphasized during sparring for this belt.
  • Comfortable and goal oriented in: 
  • Randori
  • Rolling
  • Chi Sao
  • Using takedowns in Gauntlet.
  • Regularly Using Sectors in Block Switch
  • Comfortable initiating Switches in Hubud Drill
  • Huen Sao
  • Pac Pac
  • Comfortable using the following variations in Hubud Drill
  • Punch Cycle
  • Elbow Cycle
  • Angle 1 Cycle
  • Angle 2 Cycle

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