Belt 6 Brown 1

Brown 1 - Belt 6

Vs. Sucker punch

  • Sleeper 
  1. Kali step left, left inward block + Right eye jab (split sector) Right foot steps up and lands behind their right foot like you're going for an Outside Reap, Standing Arm Triangle (always try to.finish the Technique here). Hold the arm triangle and left hinge step back to make the Outside reap by turning counterclockwise to face 6:00. Finish the arm triangle on the floor. 
  • Clawing Panther
  1. Kali step up left as you Double Lop Sao their punching arm, Then use a Left Pac Sao as you do a right Ridge hand. Assuming the Ridge Hand causes them to step back leaving their right leg in the lead. Step Forward with the right landing the foot behind this right foot (outside reap position) as you then execute a right Elbow Spear followed by a right Downward Claw. Keeping hold of their right arm with your left arm and using your right claw as a handle in their eyes finish the technique with an outside reap. 

Vs Thrust Kick

The Serpent

  1. Step your left foot to 10:00 to avoid the kick, right snap kick as a Toe Kick to the groin.

VS Side Kick

  • Crushing the Branch
  1. Step back with left and drop a 12 to 6 Elbow on their foot. Step your right leg to 1:30 and drive a left hook kick to their leg.

Vs Rear Hook Kick to the Stomach

  • Returning Viper 
  1. Step back with your right foot as to do a left body shield to block the kick. Then execute a right FAKE hook kick that laces between the two of you ending with your right foot towards 9:00. Then immediately execute a right-side kick. 
  • Catching the Dragon's Tail
  1. Left step to 12:00 and then turn to face 3:00. Left Upward Elbow destruction blocks the kick with a left uppercut to their thigh and the right hand catching at their calf. Using the same motion of a Police Armbar on their leg, block their supporting leg with your left foot and Hinge steps clockwise with the right foot for a takedown using a left reap. Right Stomp to the Groin
  • Dropping the Branch
  1. Left step to 12:00 and then turn to face 3:00. Left Upward Elbow destruction blocks the kick with a left uppercut to their thigh and the right hand catching at their calf. Left snap Kick, Left Eye Jab, Right Elbow.

Vs Attack while on the Ground

  • Bowing to Buddha A,B
  1. You are kneeling on one knee and your opponent grabs your head and tries to knee you in the face. Start kneeling on your left knee. Right inward block like a hammer fist striking their inner thigh with our forearm to defect their knee, Kneeling hinge step your left knee to 3:00 as you execute a  right bottom fist their groin, then stand up and double eye gouge.
  2. Your opponent has you in a thai clench and is trying to knee you. Assuming you are in a southpaw stance. Right downward block in a punching motion so that your forearm guides creates a ramp that deflects their knee to your right side. This is the same kind of defecation action we see with a Tan Sao from Wing Chun. Right bottom fist their groin, then stand up and double eye gouge.

Vs Jab Cross

  • Spears of Change
  • Starting in a neutral stance, Right Parry jab. Kali step left as you left cut block cross (hitting an eye jab), left kali scoop int a right elbow, Right hand hooks the right side of their neck, right knee.
  • Three Wind’s Claw.
  • Step Right foot back as you Right parry their jab, left shoulder roll the cross, left downward claw to the eyes, right Thai elbow.
  • Three Wind’s Fist 
  • Step Right foot back to neutral bow as you Right parry their jab, left shoulder roll the cross, left angel 2 hammer fist, crush the bug as you deliver a right elbow spear to their solar plexus, right thumb gouge, keep the thumb gouge as you step your right foot forward to 2:00 left elbow.
  • Chinese Cobra 
  • Step back into a southpaw neutral bow. Right parry left parry into a right eye jab (like a round block). Left cross to the ribs, step left foot up, right Thai elbow.

Note: the way the eye jab snakes over the arm like a cut block is why it's called "cobra"

Vs Hook Kick, Down, Lead Backfist

  • Shaolin Warrior 
  1. Left knee shield + right eye jab, left parry into a right backfist (lace the needle like we do in pen Choy gwa choy) as you Kali step left. Circle your right foot (Huen Gerk) around their right foot into the outside reap position as you grab their shoulders. Your left hand will be behind them, your right hand will be in front of them. Then kneel on your left knee in order to execute a kneeling outside reap

Vs Right Hook Kick, right Jab

  • Springing Tiger
  1. Sidestep to 3:00, left knee shield + Elbow shield (Super Shield) , place the left foot down to 10:00 as you us a body sector (left parry, Right Vertical Fist) to send the jab. Left Pak Sao with right back fist. (Think Pin Choy Gwa Choy from JKD the body sector to the outside sectors called “lacing the needle). Right hand grabs the shirt on the back of your opponent's right shoulder and Right side kick to knee in order to make them kneel. Then left elbow to back of head, right upward eye rake like angle 3 in Kali (they should be bent over), right shuto to back of neck, right foot stomp on their Achilles Tendon.

Vs Left Hook Kick, Right Jab, Left Cross

  • Warrior of Stone
  1. Left Knee destruction blocks the kick, Step Back with your left foot back to neutral bow. Right pointer elbow destruction blocks the jab, left outside cut block into an eye jab their cross. Left Kali Scoop, as you kali step left, right elbow. 

Vs Blocked Kick

  • Returning Thunder
  1. Start in orthodox, deliver a right snap to your opponent's groin. They do a downward block with their right hand, deflecting your kick across your centerline.  Without putting your foot down, chamber the kick and side kick their knee or back of their knee (depending on their positioning.) The point of this technique is to teach double kicking vs a blocked kick. The chambering of the leg prevents your opponent's blocs from turning you around.

VS Front Tackle 

  • Encircling Arms 
  1. (They get their arms around our waist.) Step right foot out to 3:00 then hinge step your left foot back to 3:30. Simultaneously guide the attackers head with your left-hand palm down on the back of their skull, then execute a right 12 to 6 elbow followed by a left 12 to 6 elbows. Finally hit them with a left knee.

Vs Rear Bear Hug

  • Driving Elbows
  1. Super Man, Right Yes Elbow, left yes Elbow, Left Step forward, Right Sidekick.

Vs Wrist Grab

  • Leap of Death
  • Vs right to right wrist Grab. Regrab with a clockwise huen sao. Step right foot back as you do a left palm Heel hook to their elbow followed by a back fist to their stomach. Police armbar takedown with the left hinge step. They go down, arm drag them to there belly. Kneel your left knee on the small of your back, grab there chin and execute a “Chin Lift” (see Tao of Jeet Kune Do). Use a hair grab to smash their face into the ground. Stand up, right toe kick to their head.

  • Miss of the Leap
  1. Vs right to right wrist Grab. Regrab with a clockwise huen sao. Step right foot back as you do a left palm Heel hook to their elbow followed by a back fist to their stomach. Police armbar takedown with the left hinge step. But they don't go down.  Turn back into them with a left pac sao and a right elbow. Right grabs the back of their head and you left kali scoop into a right knee. 

Vs Double Wrist Grab

  • Crossing the Lock
  1. Step left foot to 6:00 as you turn to face 9:00. Counterclockwise Huen Sao to release the grip on your right arm as you smash your right arm into your left to clear the grip, End with a right eye jab followed by a left Vertical Fist to the solar plexus. 
  • Note: Depending on the size difference between you and your opponent an argument could be made for a right step forward instead of a left step back. 

Vs Single Lapel Grab

  • Manchurian Takedown
  1. They grab your left shoulder with their right hand, and they are standing with their right foot forward. Same side pin. Step your right foot to 10:00 into the outside reap position as you execute a right downward claw to their eyes. Then execute the outside reap by placing your right hand on their left shoulder and turning counterclockwise. (This is just the turing version of outside reap.) You should end holding their arm with both of your arms. Then Left stop kick to their face, Then shift your body so that you can throw a right snapping toe kick to their armpit to dislocate it.
  • Lever
  1. Cross side pin, outside dumag arm drag to get them closer than poke them in the eye with the same hand

Vs Double Lapel Grab

  • Sumo
  1. Step out into horse, double elbow down, right eye jab, right foot steps forward, right spear elbow, right bottom fist, right side kick.
  • Aiming the Spear 
  1. Right step back, Inside sector with a right outward block. (For this movement, you will run the back of your right hand along the inside of their left arm much like the fan in the hubud drill. This will result in the fan stripping the grip on your right lapel. At the same time as the fan, execute a left eye jab), then finish with a  right palm down panther fist.

VS Two Man Attack 

  • Eagle Pin (Rear bear hug arms free, Front punch)
  1. Step 1 Addressing the punch first: Split sector gunt (Left parry + right angle 1 hammer fist to their bicep). Then execute a right backfist followed by a right snap kick to the puncher. Step 2 Addressing the bear hug: Use your right foot to stomp on their right foot then step your right foot out to horse stance.  Reach your left hand down and break one of their fingers.  Then step your left foot around the outside and behind their right leg. Then execute a left reverse elbow to their chin followed by a right hammer fist to their face or chest. Finally, side kick the punching man.

  • Attack from the Temple (Two Man Attack One at 12;00 one at 6:00)
  1. Stand in Hostile standoff position (Jerry Smith's thinker) or natural stance. Step your right foot forward to 12:00 and execute a right eye jab. Transition into a right bottom fist to their groin. If you did your bottom fist correctly your center line should be on the man at 6:00. Side step your left foot to 3:00 (this will be a step out left) Right Hook kicks to the man at 6:00’s midsection.

Vs Horizontal Club Attack

  • Double Blades
  1. The Club is swinging horizontal towards your left ear. Step your right foot forward as you execute a Spear Block. Left overhook the attacking arm. Right knee to the groin. Hinge step your right foot clockwise to 6:00 so that you face 3:00. Break their elbow with your left overhook using a “Bar Song” Motion. 
  • Escaping Blades
  1. Left Step back to avoid swing, then Fencer forward with a Spear Block blocking the back of the swinging arm, Police Arm Bar while hing stepping clockwise with your right foot. Left reverse elbow, left eye rake, Left 12 to 6 elbow.

Someone Getting Off Ground

  • Raking the Ground A,B
  1. Your opponent is on their back sitting up. Step in with a Back Fist, then step around them so your feet are at their head, then double eye rake.
  •  Foot Rake
  1. Your Opponent is on hand and knees. Use a Rear hook kick to the inside of one of their arms to make them fall back down. Then use the same leg to Side Kick them in the face. 


  • Pulling Hand
  1. Right on Right lead, Step your right foot into the inside line. Right lop Sao, Left eye jab.
  • Dummy Trap
  1. Right on Right Lead. Left Pac Sao + Right eye Jab, they block across their centerline, Left Lop Sao into Dummy Trap.
  • Cross Trap
  1. From a Right-on-Right Lead. Left Pac Sao + Right eye Jab, they block by pushing your hand away, Left Pac Sao their pushing hand driving your elbow towards them to make a Lan Sao. Right Eye Jab over the Lan Sao.
  • Running Hand
  1. From a Right-on-right lead, Left Pac Sao + Eye Jab, they parry the Eye jab, circle your right hand counterclockwise into a palm heel hook.

Sparring Techniques

  • Mr. Smith Special
  1. Slip Hook kick, back fist, elbow
  • Bridging with Insurance
  1. Slip Hook kick, Pac Sao, Cross


  • Foot Wheel - Ashi guruma
  • This throw looks very similar to Harai Goshi.
  • Harai Goshi = sweep both legs.
  • Ashi Guruma = Rolling and blocking at uke's knees
  • Hip Spring - Hane goshi
  • Sweeping Lift Pull Foot - Harai tsurikomi ashi
  • Corner Throw - Sumi gaeshi
  • Knee Wheel - Hiza guruma
  • Two Handed Reap - Marote Gari

  • Ground
  • Knee on Chest Armbar A.B
  • Near Side (they push on chest)
  • Far Side (they push on knee) 
  • Armbar Releases A-E
  • Hammer Fist
  • Head Dribble
  • X Earthquake
  • Grab and Circle
  • Remount from Armbar
  • Vs Scarf Hold and Punch A, B
  • Catch, Gouge, and Roll
  • Two hand Frame, Head scissor, then remount (if scissor fails)
  • Sprawling into Guillotine
  • Failed Rear Naked Choke A,B
  • Hair Pull Rear Naked Choke
  • You are holding back control about to get the RNC and they tuck their chin. Pull sharply on the front of their scalp to expose their neck to finish. If they don't have hair, you can use the eyes or nose to achieve the same end.
  •  Neck Crank
  • You are holding back control about to get the RNC and they tuck their chin. Drive our forearm across the side of their chin to force their chin into their shoulder. Gable Grip your hands together and squeeze into your chest for the neck crank.
  • Neck Crank from Failed Guillotine
  • Silat Sweep
  • You are laying on your back, and your opponent is standing with their right foot between your legs. Roll up and wrap your left leg around their right achilles tendon while hugging their right knee with your left arm. Simultaneously hug their torso with your right arm. Shoulder bump to take them down.
  • Back to the Matt
  • Escaping Sleeper Hold "Pass the Arm, back to the mat.

Kata: Double Escape “Long 3”

  • Two Headed Serpent
  • Reversing Grasp A.B
  • Circling Elbows
  • Reaching for the Moon
  • Flashing Daggers
  • Bending the Limb
  • Wrap Arounds A,B,C
  • Crossing Talon
  • Crouching Falcon
  • Darting Serpent
  • Silk Wing
  • Heel Hook
  • Spreading the Leaves
  • Crossing the Lock

Fighter Attributes

  • Actively Using Blitzing in Sparring and/or Gauntlet
  • Actively using stop hits in Gauntlet
  • Comfortable in 3-man attack in Gauntlet
  • Comfortable in Blindfolded Randori
  • Using Cut Blocks in Block Switch Drill

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