Black – Weapons
Jeet Kune Do Concepts
- “Empty your mind,
- This is in reference to the No Mind of Taoism. It is not an empty mind in the western sense as in being stupid or without thought. It’s a Non-Clinging to thought and idea. Allowing thoughts and information to freely come and go as they are needed and never dwelling on any one thing. It is being present and aware, not judging just observing. The phrase “empty your cup” is a similar concept. It’s ok to change your views and thoughts as new information is gained.
- be formless. Shapeless, like water.
- This is a rejection of style. The physical equivalent to the mental side of “empty your mind” You do not cling to technique or system but instead use what is needed in the moment regardless of its origin. If you once favored the Hip Toss but now favor the Outside Reap. It is not a loss. The hip toss played its role. You may very well come back to it, but don’t mourn its lack of use now. Do not confine yourself to a Karate way of fighting or a Judo way of fighting. Instead use them all or as much of them all as is needed in the moment.
- If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle, and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot.
- Once you are free in mind and technique you can fit in with all other styles. If you need to be a grappler, you can be one, if you need to be a striker, you can be one. This may be used to fit into or oppose a system. For example, using BJJ against a BJJ player or using Boxing against a BJJ player.
- Now, water can flow, or it can crash.
- This is in reference to the Circular vs Straight line martial arts and the soft vs Hard Styles of Asia. Both are needed and one must recognize when to use each. Circular movement beats straight line attacks, Straight line attacks beat circular attacks. Soft techniques give way to hard strikes thus gaining the upper hand. Conversely Hard Techniques can control and devastate soft techniques. At the time Bruce Lee was teaching very few arts advocated using both soft and hard. It was always one or the other. Here Bruce Lee is expressing the need to use both and simply recognizing when to use them.
- Be water, my friend.” - Bruce Lee
- This is the relationship of instructor and student. Here Bruce Lee does not put himself on a pedestal and create a separation between himself and the student. Instead, he positions himself as a peer, a friend who happens to have advice that the other needs. Teachers are not to be respected because they are simply higher rank. A teacher is a friend whose efforts to help the student improve come from a place of compassion and genuine concern for the student. This is why they are respected.
Signs an Aggressive Person may be carrying a Gun.
- Hovering their hand over the same spot or continuously checking the same spot on their body.
- Constantly adjusting the hem of their shirt.
- Looking around as if looking to see if there are people around.
Vs Right Cross
Stopping the Staff
- Step back with left foot, left hand guides the punch into a right Pointed Elbow Destruction Block. End with right snap kick, Right Downward Claw to the eyes
Filipino Pincher
- Step up with left, left outside cut block into an eye jab, Left Kali Scoop, Right Knee, Right grab the back of the head, Rotary Throw.
- Note: This technique used to be called Chinese Pincher but had been changed so much by the influence of Filipino Martial Arts that nearly all of the Chinese influence on the technique was lost. Thus, the name changed.
Crossing Hooks
- Left Outside Sector (Left parry, Right eye jab), Right Lop Sao with left Upward Elbow to break their arm. Left Kali Scoop into a Rotary Throw.
Vs Right Jab
Dancing Dragon
- Split Sector (Left block, right eye jab), Right Bon Sao Scoop their elbow from 9:00 to 3:00 to clear the arm (the same motion as the Huen Saos on the Wooden Dummy). Right Rear naked choke with left back punch in order to cancel height, Lock in the RNC, Drag them to the floor.
- Kneeling on your left knee, letting them fall on your right knee. Keeping the Choke the whole time.
- Note: This technique is vaguely based on a Tracy Kenpo technique called Dance of the Dragon.
Bending the Staff
- Kali step left with a round block into a right lop sao, right hook kick to the midsection, put the kicking leg back to 7:00 as you execute a police armbar to bend them over, Hold onto their sleeve with your left hand as you right Hammer fist to the back of their neck.
Dropping the Staff
- Kali step left with a round block into a right lop sao, right hook kick to the midsection. Place your right foot down behind their right foot (outside reap position) as you hand their arm off to your left hand. Right reversing elbow, outside reap.
Vs Straight Left Punch
Slicing Hands
- Kali step right, Outside Sector (Right parry, left eye jab), Right shuto, left palm strike, Right Palm Heel Hook, Right Backfist.
Vs Punch from the right side.
- Left Step to 1:00 as you turn to face 3:00. Double Lop Sao, Right Ridge hand.
Vs Jab, Cross
Lever of Ming
- Right Parry, Left Huen Sao as you step forward with your left foot. Left underhook their right arm as you execute a right eye jab, Then grab their left arm with your right. Turn clockwise towards 6:00 and execute an Inner Thigh Throw aka Uchi Mata.
Falling Hammers
- Step back with the left, right parry the jab, right side kick to intercept the cross. right Bottom Fist to the groin, left eye jab, right back fist, left Elbow.
The Whip
- Step left back, right parry, right lop sao the cross with a left eye jab. Left step forward as you turn to face 3:00. Break their elbow with a left upward elbow. Right thrusting knee to their quad.
Returning Fist
- Right Inside Cut Block (right arm makes a Bon Sao shape as corkscrew punch, hide under the arm). Left Smother Block (downward parry) the cross as the right hand laces the needle into a right shuto.
Drums of Manchu
- Step left foot back into neutral bow as you execute a right elbow destruction block. Kali steps left with a body sector (left parry right punch to the gut) vs the cross. Lace the needle into a left pac sao with a right eye jab.
Vs Snap Kick
Sweeping Wings
- Right knee shield, right claw to the eyes, left hair pull to bend them over, right snap kick to the groin, right 12 to 6 elbow to the back of the skull.
Vs Rear Hook Kick to Midsection
Hooking Eagle
- Left shield block followed immediately by a left underhook on the leg. Right hand grabs their shoulder, Major Inside Reap (O Uchi Gari)
Vs Foot Grab
Twisting Dragon
- Opponent catches your right kick. Right eye jab, then turn counterclockwise to face 6:00. This should point your right knee to the ground. Pull our right foot towards 6:00. Once your right foot lands, execute a left side kick to create space.
Vs Single Lapel Grab
Dragging to Hell
- Left pin, left steps back with right eye jab. Dumog Arm Drag into a head butt, Dumog are Drag for the takedown. GooseNeck wrist break, Branch Up Shoulder Break.
Vs Two Handed Choke
The Wedge
- Gable Grip your hands together and zombie both of them between your opponent's arms to wedge their grip apart as you step forward with your right foot. Then overhook their right arm with your left arm as you do a downwards claw into a palm down pather fist with your right. Then use your right arm to hug their head like a headlock. Hinge step your left foot counterclockwise to 3:00 as you turn and execute a Body Drop (Tai Otoshi).
Vs Being Pinned to Wall
Spinning Log
- Left pins their right hand to your chest, Right hand eye jab. Dumog Arm Drag into a Headbutt, Dumog Arm drag them Counterclockwise into the wall. Right Elbow, Right Knee
Vs Wrist Grab
Chinese Thumb Screw
- They grab your right wrist with their left hand (same side wrist grab). Use your left hand to pin their hand to yours, then execute an S-Wrist Lock.
Vs Rear Bear Hug
Breaking the Staves
- Step out into a horse stance with your right foot. As you do so, chicken wing your arms up to break the grip. Left Yes Elbow, Left Bottom Fist, Left Reverse Elbow. Step your Left foot to 2:00 and turn clockwise to face your opponent with a Right Hammer Fist, Left Eye Jab, Left Snap Kick, Down, Left Panther Fist to the throat.
2 Man Attack
Covering the Moon
- Two Man attack, Man A is in front of you, Man B has you in a rear bear hug arms pinned. Snap Kick Man A in the groin, If they bend over, then toe kick them in the throat. You do not put your foot down between these two kicks. Right foot stomp Man B, Step your right foot out to 3:00. Superman your arms, Left Yes elbow, Left bottom fist, left tactical crush. Then right Sidekick Man A, putting your kicking foot down at 8:00. Turn to face man B and grab his left tricep with your right hand and hinge step your left foot counterclockwise to 8:00, pushing man B between you and man A.
Vs High Club Attack
Twisting Vine
- Kali step left, round block into a right lop sao. Turn to face 3:00 with a left upwards elbow to their elbow for a break. Using your right hand to guide their club clockwise towards 9:00, execute a left forearm strip to disarm. Right snap kick left eye jab.
Knife vs Knife.
Cut and Replace
- Opponent swings their knife at angle 1,2, then 5. Toe Dance to face 9:00 with a right angle 13 to their wrist, followed by a left Tan Sao. Shift to face 3:00 as your left hand pushes their knife hand towards 3:00. As you do this simultaneously, point your knife downward so it runs into their arm as you pass. Right Low 6 stab to their ribs. Then Left Kali Pass their angle 2 strike with a right angle 4 cut (Vertical scissor). High Angle 6 to behind the clavicle. As angle 5 stabs in Kali step left with a low pass and cut. Stab to kidney.
Mantis Passing
- You have a reverse grip on your knife. Opponent swings their knife at angle 1,2, then 5. Toe Dance to face 9:00 with a right Mantic Hook to their knife hand. Shift to face 3:00 as your hook pushes their knife hand towards 3:00. Right angle 7 slash to their Belly. Then Left Kali Pass their angle 2 strike with a right angle 4 cut (Vertical scissor). Slash Angle 7 to the throat. As angle 5 stabs in Kali step left with a low pass and cut. Stab to the kidney.
Knife Hubud A,B
- A) Vs Angle 1: Left Rolling Bong Sao, right downward cut to the outside of the arm, Left Pac Sao, Right stab to throat
- B) Vs Angle 2: Left Parry, right downward cut to the outside of the arm, Left Pac Sao, Right stab to throat
Catching the Fang
- Vs Angle 1 slash, you have reverse grip. Toe Dance to face 9:00 with a right Mantic Hook to their knife hand. Shift to face 3:00 as your hook pushes their knife hand towards 3:00. Left hand covers their knife hand and snaps them into a Standard Wrist Lock. Right hand Cuts their wrist pulling the knife towards you, then forearm strip the knife towards them. Use your Mantic Hook to hook the back of their elbow and pull them into a Rotary Hold. Slice the throat.
Vs Knife Thrust to Gut
Dropping Blade A,B
- A) Double Tiger's Mouth and grab as you hop both your feet back towards 6:00 to avoid the stab. (Like Grabbing the Wolf by the Ears in Belt 7) If they pull back step and rotate under their armpit ending behind them. Accordion Hammer Lock for the disarm. Optional pressure point near the elbow on the upper arm.
- B) Double Tiger’s Mouth and grab as you hop both your feet back towards 6:00 to avoid the stab. (Like Grabbing the Wolf by the Ears in Belt 7) Step your left foot to 2:00 and turn clockwise in order to break their arm on your left shoulder.
Vs a Knife Hand Off
Grasping the Cloud
- Cobra and Mongoose Belt 7 extension. Vs stab: arm drag to 2 on one. They reach across and pass their knife to their left hand. Grab their left wrist with your right hand and reach behind their body with your left and Motorcycle grip their left forearm with your left hand. Then Pull their left arm tight against their body. Thrust your hips and knee into their ups and knees to off balance them backwards. Then hinge step your left leg back to drag them to the ground.
Vs Behind you with Knife to your Throat
Magic Dancer
- Assuming the knife is in their right hand. Both hands reach up and pull their forearm tightly to your chest (pluck). Step out to 3:00 with right foot, then step left foot around their right foot as you execute the “Dancer” footwork through the magic doorway, ending behind them. Accordion Hammer Lock for the disarm.
Vs Gun
Ninja Disarm
- The Gun is pointed at your face. Right hand grabs the wrist, left hand grabs the barrel of the gun. Then drive the barre of the gun towards their left shoulder, grinding the hammer into their thumb. This will strip the gun out of their hand. Hold the gun at your waist and step back.
Dousing the Fire
- Your opponent is using their right hand to point a gun at someone’s face. Approach from their right flank and grab their wrist with your left hand as you step between them. If your opponent represents 6:00 and your friend represents 12:00, you will be facing 9:00 and moving that direction. Simultaneously grab the barrel of the gun with your right hand and twist it so that the muzzle faces the floor. This should peal the gun out of their grip.
Turning the Flame
- The Gun is pointed at the back of your head. Duck your head as you step your left foot to 2:00, turn clockwise grabbing the gun hand with your right hand. Left eye jab, then step your left foot in front of them and execute a Waki Gatame Arm lock.
Choking the Flame
- The Gun is pointed at the back of your head. Duck your head as you step your left foot to 3:00, turn clockwise and slip your right arm under the gun arm. Execute an Arm Triangle, add an outside reap if necessary to choke the person unconscious.
Kneeling in Flames
- On Knees with Gun to head. Same Side Barrel Grab and Redirect, Opposite side hand grabs back of gun, stand and kick to groin, disarm.
Consumed by Flame
- In Top Mount, Gun pointed towards head. Opposite Side barrel grab and redirect above head, Same side cups back of gun, Upah escape, disarm by twisting gun towards their thumb for disarm.
Laying In Flames
- On your back, Gun to head, opponent standing. Opposite Side barrel grab and redirect away from centerline, Same side cups back of gun, Kick as you disarm, Stand Safe
The Hold Up
- Hostage hold. Same Side pluck gun forward and redirect away from centerline, opposite side cups back of gun for assistance, Superman for disarm, back elbow.
Sifting Through Ashes
- You see your opponent reaching their left hand down to their appendix. Quickly kali step right as you pin their right hand to their beltline with your left hand. Hook your right arm around their waist and execute a Sacrifice Body Drop (Tai Otoshi) take down ending in a broken scarf hold (Kaziri Kesa Gatame). Under Hooking their left elbow with your right and pulling it close to your body to prevent them from grabbing the gun with their left hand. Using your left hand and left leg to maneuver their arm, step your left leg over their head into a North South pin (Kami Shiho Gatame), pulling at their arms to put them in a dummy trap position. The hook on their left hand with your right hand should secure the dummy trap under your chest but keep hold of the elbow with your right hand. Use your left hand to search for the gun, if you find one toss it away.
Sparring Techniques
Branch of Doom
- Fake a Right Hook Punch as you step left, Right Hooking Heel Kick
Branch Over Branch
- Vs Low Rear Hook Kick to your right leg: Right Dragon’s Tail Kick over their kick to make them over-correct, Out, Left Hook Kick
Double Underhook Roll
Ninja Roll
Minor Inside Reap Combinations A, B, C
- They step out, Horse Step into Minor Outside Reap on the opposite leg.
- They step out, Major Outside Reap
- They step out, Turn and Body Drop
Inner Thigh Throw Combinations A, B, C
- Body Drop
- Minor Inside Reap
- Ankle Pick
Body Drop Throw Combination A, B, C
- They step over your blocking leg, turn into them and do an Minor Inside Reap
- They step over your blocking leg, Inner Thigh Throw.
- They Resist the throw, Sweeping Hip Throw
Omoplata from Guard
Half Guard Escape A, B, C
- Hands Free Half Guard Escape
- Hug and Kick Half Guard Escape
- Push and Slide Half Guard Escape
- Assuming they are holding onto your right leg. Throw your left arm across your body and rest your weight with your left elbow next to their left ear. This will turn your hips slightly upward. Grab their pants on the inside of their left knee with your right hand. Drive your hips back towards your right as you drive their left knee to the ground to open their half guard and slide your knee out into the top mount.
Shoulder Locks from Scarf Hold A, B
- Scarf Hold Americana with legs.
- No Shadow Kimura from Holding Scarf Hold (hooking the elbow like a heel hook)
Breaking the RNC Armbar Defense A, B, C
- Use the hand next to their leg to grab the thumb of the arm you are attacking and break it to pull the hands apart.
- Palm Strike elbow vs Naked choke Defense Release for arm bar
- Kick The Elbow vs naked Choke Defense Release for arm bar.
Required Kata
- Black Belt Set - “Two Man Set”
American Kenpo Black Belt Set
Player 1
- Right step forward to horse stance, right back fist
- Left steps out to Neutral Bow, right fan block
- Right Chop to Player 2’s throat
- Left step forward then turn clockwise to face Player 2 in neutral bow, right outward block.
- Forward Bow, left reverse punch
- Shift to reverse bow, right downward block with left roof block.
- Cross step forward to southpaw neutral bow on player 2’s inside line
- Right back fist
- Left hinge step forward to Neutral bow, Right scoop block
- Left shovel punch, with right palm down guard at your solar plexus
- Deepen stance, right upwards block
- Right Inward hammer fist (Angle 7) to the ribs
- Reverse Forward Bow, right lop sao on the inside of Player 2’s wrist
- With the lop sao form step 13, left palm down panther fist
- Left hinge step back to neutral bow, right inward block
- Right backfist to Player 2’s eye
- Right inward block
- Fencer forward, right Yes Elbow to Player 2’s Ribs
- Left inward parry, while chambering right hand with fingers down and palm forward
- Left side palm to Player 2’s ribs
- Reverse Bow, right downward block with left roof block
- Right side kick to player 2’s solar plexus
- Turn counterclockwise, end in orthodox reverse bow, left downward block, right roof block. (Just a pose)
Player 2
- Left Step back to Neutral Bow, Hard Round Block
- Forward Bow, Left reverse punch
- Right steps behind Player 1, then left cross step with soft round block
- Rotate clockwise to neutral bow, right backfist to Player 1’s kidney
- Southpaw Cat stance, left Wu Sao
- Right toe kick to the solar plexus
- Rotate counterclockwise into orthodox neutral bow
- Left steps back into twisted stance, left upward block
- Left Lop Sao, Right side kick
- Left step out to horse stance, right wing block with left roof block
- Left chop to Player 1’s temple
- Orthodox Cat stance, Left Jum Sao
- Neutral Bow, left two finger poke to the eye (thumb up)
- Deepen to Horse stance, right lifting lop sao
- With the Lop Sao from step 14, left elbow to Player 1’s ribs
- Right Tok Sao
- Right backfist to Player 1’s Solar Plexus
- Shift to Cat Stance, Left dropping backfist to block Player 1’s elbow
- Shift forward to neutral bow, left palm up phoenix eye to their eyes.
- Left step out to horse stance, right scoop block
- Left side palm to Player 1’s ribs
- Left step back to neutral bow, right outward block (scooping under the sidekick)
- Forward Bow, U-Punch (just a pose)
Optional Katas
- Crushing Leaves Praying Mantis
- Praying Mantis Hook Swords
- Miao Dao
Fighter Attributes
- The instructor should feel confident the student is prepared to be an ambassador of the art.
- The instructor should feel confident the student can defend themselves using Kenpo 360 and possess the skill to do so while causing minimal harm to their opponent if needed.
- The instructor should feel comfortable throwing strikes at full speed during Block Switch Drill.
- The instructor should feel comfortable asking them to defend against any attack in Gauntlet.
- They should freely improvise in Gauntlet.
- They should be able to perform any technique, especially Gun defense, with full mechanics, accuracy, speed, power, and finesse.